Meditation Archangel Michael

Meditation Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael is the Angel of Protection, Truth and Justice. Archangel Michael can be invoked if you are having trouble with negative energies in your surroundings. But also if you want to release the cords with some people in your life, because they drain you energetically.
Meditation Archangel Michael
Especially if you are highly sensitive, you will absorb negative energy daily. It's always recommended to keep grounding a few times a day. And to place a protective sphere of light around your aura. Archangel Michael is connected to the colour blue, use blue objects or crystals in the meditation. Think about blue crystals like: Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Celestite, Larimar etc. Place the stones on your heart, and or throat chakra.
How can you meditate with Archangel Michael
You can also burn a blue candle, wear blue clothing or a scarf. Archangel Michael meditation to release negative energy. Ground yourself, and protect yourself. Play some relaxing new age music, burn candles, incense, everything you need to relax. Call upon Archangel Michael 3 times, and visualize the blue Ray of Light.
Place yourself in the middle of the blue ray of Light, and let the energy overflow your heart chakra, breathe!. Experience how the blue energy cleanses your aura like a shower of rain. Ask Archangel Michael if he can release negative energy. Also negative energy in and around your chakra's.
Just relax and ask
Don't be scared if you feel Him working in your aura. If you experience warmth or cold. Usually when negative energy is being released. It can be experienced as cold. Because you were so used 'carrying it around' all this time. You could get a message from Archangel Michael. Don't be frightened, it's all Unconditonal Love.
You can experience many different things. Warmth, cold, tingling feeling, seeing colours, hearing sounds. Ask Archangel Michael if he can help you to call upon your own Inner Power. So you can learn how to cleanse your aura and chraka's yourself. And take responsibility for this part of your life. Ask if there may be Peace in your Heart, so you can be your True Self;.
Or ask release of lifelong themes at Archangel Michael
You can also ask Archangel Michael if he can release lifelong themes, or even from past lives. If there are persons in your life you wish to let go of energetically,. Say their name, and ask if the cords may be relaesed. Always from Unconditional Love, and for their Highest Good as well.
If you lost yourself ask Michael
If you have lost your way, ask for strength, healing and comfort. Ask to remember your Life Purpose. Aks for Enlightenment for all your sadness, insecurities and frustrations. Archangel Michael will help you to release negative energy or cords. But know that one healing session is probably not enough. Especially if this blockage as been there, ever since you were a child. And if you are highly sensitive, repeating this exercise from time to time, is very important
Feel when the meditation is ended
If you feel the meditation is finished, you thank Archangel Michael. And ground yourself again. Take your time to wake up and walk around. Usually you feel that a burden has been lifted. Or you are so relaxed, you may fall asleep. The used crystals have stored the energies of Archangel Michael. They can be worn, or put them under your pillow. When you go to sleep at night.
Invoking Archangel Michael is very important. Angels respect our Free Will, and only come to us with our permission. Repeat this meditation as often as you like.
Datum: 15-02-'24
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